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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ermmm... Hi

Sooo..... it's been a year. More than a year, actually. Sorry, clearly we are the worst at a lot of things, blogging motivation being one of those things (exercising being another, and dealing with recycling... and completing a task to 100% completion and math). But anyways, here I am, saying, "Hi".


We've changed a bit in the last year.

And by a bit, I mean hardly at all.

We still drink too much tea and eat too much soft cheese. We now sit on chairs, rather than stools, while we eat said cheese and we drink our tea out of china tea cups. (If you follow us on instagram or facebook you probably know all this already.)

We have a few more tattoos, and our hair is a bit longer. Speaking of hair, we haven't used real shampoo since the beginning of February, we now use the "No Poo" method, which sounds way more gross than it actually is, google it.

Mandy now works at our small medical clinic a few days a week and I have set up my "studio" here and make things sometimes, when I'm not trying to learn how to build an online store with wordpress, that is. 

And we now do monthly giveaways on facebook. If you don't "Like" us there, you're totally missing out.

See ya around,


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